Monday, February 28, 2011

Tricks, tips and what's the points?

I just finished listening to World War Z. When a character speaks about weight loss over a time of war and famine. I thought would I survive? Today at my current fitness level I would say I have a better chance then some. If you would have asked me the same question 4 months ago I would have said “YES.” While doubting myself the whole way. Looking back on it I know I would not survive long since was very out of shape, and had no upper body strength.  I feel now I am much better to survive if something like that would happen, but what got me to this point? How did I lose 20lbs? Build muscle? And most importantly feel better about myself.
First let us talk about what sites I have been to and which have helped and which have not. Before we get into these I want to say all of these sites or none of them may help you but that is why I list all of them so you can try for yourself.
The site I use the most, the one I check in the morning and at night (little Obsessed J) is The people running this site have hundreds of work outs you can do. They try to put one up every day but if they don’t you can go through the history and find one for you for the day. It is never boring and you need minimal equipment, I do refrain from jumping rope in the house.
I have searched youtube, that is how I found, but I find most videos on there are to lead you to an Ebook or a magic pay site or pill and I have for the most part given up on it for fitness. It is get for seeing others that have done well and I highly suggest looking up “living with a size zero” (I believe) and watch the series. It was done in the UK and made me see that super thin and extreme dieting would not be good. It was always like the fortification of my diet to control but not get CRAZY.
There are plenty of diet sites that are there for you to look up a recipe or count calories. For my calorie counting I like It is through your twitter account to send a message and it calculates is for you and you can track throughout the day and week.
For recipes I really like a yahoo based site called shine it is like their pop culture section. It has tips on everything for fashion and food to parenting and relationships. It is geared toward the busy woman (or man) looking to be healthy.
ETC. (All the others)
When I don’t know the calories of food I often just google calories in (food) and use that as a gage looking at one or two sites and add this to my TWUE at the end of day. Since I eat about the same this every day (get to that in a minute) I know the calories for the most part.
I love It will help calculate how long you need to diet for hit a goal weight or how fast you will lose the weight at the rate you are going. It also tells you have many calories you are burning doing exercises and has a food data base with the calories of many fast food and frozen foods found throughout the US.
I have tried sparkpeople and found it to just not be what I needed. Also threefatchicks.
On to the real world
Each day one eats foods that will help or hinder. That can make or break a diet. I was one of those people that believed I just had to moderate and didn’t need to count calories and I would lose weight. Obviously this did not work. As soon as I started preparing food and counting calories I cut out the high cal. and empty foods.
Know what you like, first and for most. Take a week to try new foods. See how many calories are in these foods, fiber? Sugars? FATS? You should eat foods that would for your needs. I am eating low cal. low fat. high fiber. Talk to a doctor to see what it is that YOU need. 
This is the biggest one for everyone. You will only do it as long as you have drive to diet and exercise. It is a lot easier to sit and do nothing. 
My motivation is four fold. The first and the biggest is having people around you motivate you. I am enjoy with both bad and good! When someone is not behind me it makes me feel like I need to prove them wrong. Having people say good job is amazing as well. 
Next is have a visible goal. My goals are pairs of pants that I hang in my closet that I can see every morning when I wake up. I try to get into these pants within a certain amount of time. If I don't get into them it gives my more motivation to work harder to get in them within the next amount of time. I also try on my clothes here and there and see where things are tight and were they are lose.
Third is photos. I take a picture of myself about once a week or so and see if I can see a different. It is harder to see a difference in the mirror but when you have pictures to compare throughout the time you work helps so much. 
Last is hollywood. Google your height and goal weight and look at people and see if the is really what you want. Look at celebs, that are the same height as you, in real pictures not glamed up in a movie and you will find them in the very low bmi's and that is what you would look like? I found that Pam Anderson is very under our bmi and she is sooo thin. Honestly my first goal weight was pretty close to hers and it made me rethink it. 
Do what you like and what you will keep doing. I like doing because so many others do it and I have people to compete with and it is not the same thing day in and out so my body doesn't get use to it all. 
Ok so the point system... 
It is pretty easy. You want to earn 5 points a day. It is not easy and you may want to change the way I have the points set up. If you get 35 points a week you get 200 extra calories for one day of the next week and when I hit 100 points total you get 500 extra calories one day in the next week.
+2 for losing ten pounds (this goes towards you weekly points not the daily)
+1 for doing my whole workout
+1 for working out 30 minutes (not in the workout)
+1 for drinking 8 glasses of water per day (soda does not count, coffee and tea do count)
+1 for eating your goal calories per day (for me 1200 again talk to a doctor!)
+.5 for 100 squats 
+.5 for 250 crunches
+.5 for 50 push ups
With the three above while doing then they can count towards the 30 minutes but it has to be consecutive minutes not 5 here or 10 there. 30 minutes dedicated to working hard. 
-1 for calories over a certain # calories (mine 1500)
-1 for each 100 calories over above calories
If you get less then an average of 3 points day day you workout for 1 hour the next week earning no points (this can be broken up to 2 30minute sections)
I know these are a little crazy BUT I am one that needs a goal for each day and something to think about throughout the day and keep me focused. I don't go crazy about it just enjoy it. I have no one to let down but me.


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